sabato 24 dicembre 2011

Nativity in Africa

With our friends, this year, we want to celebrate a very special nativity

and with an old Akan saying that reads:

Mefrε  Sika,                                       I call Gold,
Sika ngye so.                                    Gold is mute.
Mefrε Ntama,                                    I call Cloth,
Ntama Gye so.                                  Cloth is mute.
Onipa ne asεm.                                 It is Mankind that matters.

lunedì 19 dicembre 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all friends of Ghana Fort Amsterdam Onlus
wich we dedicate this Christmas Carol.
Choir Director: Daniel
Sing: Otsir choir

The recording was made in December 2010 at the old Kindergarten

domenica 11 dicembre 2011

After the slide ...

After the slide

a contract  entered into on the street for a swing and a carousel

martedì 6 dicembre 2011

Mabel's shop

Mabel's shop is ready. Before the expected time.
Good luck!

Only two months agoo . . .

domenica 20 novembre 2011

Twi_lesson 3

Isaac announces his arrival
Listen to the song of the cock that precedes the action of knocking, he announces himself in the same way.

The answer is "bra mu", but in this case, Isaac was just passing through and should only let the vegetables.
bra mu (twi)_come in (english)_ entra (italiano)

giovedì 10 novembre 2011

Mabel's shop

"Ghana Fort Amsterdam" Onlus, a non profit organization, lends to Mabel Morrison
the sum of GH Cedis 4,000.00 to open a shop at a town in Egyaa (Central Region)

This is the current state of the shop

venerdì 21 ottobre 2011

Twi_Lesson 2


The first word that you can read when you land at the Airport in Accra is "AKWAABA"

Welcome instead to be landed on planet Earth is  "aba a tena ase"
Do you remenber the "Naming Ceremony"?

martedì 18 ottobre 2011

Dedicated a Steve Jobs

Today, Apple has invited some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley at a celebration
in memory of Steve Jobs.

We dedicate to Steve Jobs the song of the ocean waves.

venerdì 14 ottobre 2011


    Twi                   English                  Italiano
Sukuu               School                  Scuola
   Osùàni               Student                 Studente

Now everyone at school, in the new school of Otsir.
We have 103 students as follows:
K.G.  1             19 boys                   19 girls
K.G.  2               9 boys                   11 girls

Class 1             10 boys                     8 girls
Class 2             13 boys                   14 girls

The teachers, the President and the Country Director G.F.A.

lunedì 10 ottobre 2011

First of all

The most important news of our meeting with the community of Otsir in October.
First of all
the "Ghana Fort Amsterdam" wishes long life to:
- Collins (Otsir) - Woaba a tena ase

- Michael Gianni (Accra) - Woaba a tena ase
- Michela Francesca (Accra) - Woaba a tena ase

martedì 20 settembre 2011

Naming ceremony

Woaba a tena ase
So it is said to whish long life to the infant
The infant will be called Alfredo 

Alfredo! We're coming

lunedì 19 settembre 2011

Do you remember? 15 Aprile 2009

It was April 15, 2009, they took me into the woods,

they asked me a school for their children,

they showed me the nursery and children's games,

they showed me the land where building the school.

The woman with the red shirt has a serious face.

When we started the work she had a pink shirt.
Her name is Justina, she was happy.

sabato 17 settembre 2011

Twi - English - Italiano___ Lesson 1

Now begin to speak the Twi language. Listen!

When children tell you: Oburoni (whiteman - uomo bianco)
You answer: Obibini ( black person - uomo nero)

Listen again!

sabato 6 agosto 2011

The new vegetable garden in Otsir.

The project for the cultivation of cassava and vegetable production is going very well and the village are reaping the first fruits to be consumed directly and sell at the market.

News (7 agosto 2011)
Standard & Poor's declassa il rating USA da AAA a AA+.
Otsir passa da ZZZ a ZZ+ grazie agli investimenti sull'istruzione, alla ripresa edilizia e al piano di sviluppo agricolo.

The vegetable garden

The first cucumber

mercoledì 13 luglio 2011

The construction of the laboratory for the production of gari is completed.

News from our country director

Our third meeting was very successful, but this time we went very straight to the point by the telling the people of the village our intentions of helping them and our limitations and their commitment in the whole project.
The message was,
"we are going to provide them with all that will be needed for the Gari production, including the Gari house, the equipments, the cassava at the initial stages only, the cassava sticks at the early stage only, helping with the management for at least the first three(3) months or more, and hand over everything to them for our periodic inspection of the project."

They have accepted this challenge collectively, but first, we also tasked them to form a technical committee before the close of next week, and not more than seven(7) people, with consideration made to some of the young guys in the village to be part of the committee.

Secondly, we have asked them to present a program to this effect, that is they are to divide themselves among the various production stages of the gari, right from the raw material(farm) to the finish product.

Thirdly, the land for farming should be ready and cleared by the time we return next week for our next meeting.

mercoledì 15 giugno 2011

martedì 7 giugno 2011

mercoledì 18 maggio 2011


GIA' FATTO ! (inizio delle attività nel villaggio di Otsir 28 ottobre 2010)
1)Abbiamo completato la costruzione della scuola primaria e stiamo sistemando i giardini; 
2)Abbiamo portato l'acqua al villaggio e da lì fino alla scuola;
3)Abbiamo finanziato gli stipendi per gli insegnanti dell’asilo;
4)Abbiamo finanziato l'assicurazione sanitaria per tutte le donne del villaggio e i loro bambini, ciò gli permetterà l'accesso gratuito all'ospedale di Cape Coast e gratuite saranno anche le necessarie medicine.
5)Costruzione alloggi per gli insegnanti;
6)Ristrutturazione di alcune capanne prima della stagione delle piogge;
7)Costruzione laboratorio per la trasformazione della cassava (un tubero locale) in “gari”, una specie di farina molto usata in Ghana.

domenica 15 maggio 2011

Inauguration - (part. 6)

 Uncle John is very happy... also the Daily Graphic speak about us.

Inauguration - (part. 5)

We wish to continue working in this village and in this municipality, and we hope to meet you again for the next inaugurations. Thank you.

Inauguration - (part. 4)

This is the logo of our organitation. In this logo we have together the italian and the ghanianan flags with the blak star which represent the freedom of the black community of Africa.

Inauguration - (part. 3)

I want to say thank you, with all my heart to all the workers and to all the people of this village for their cooperation. I think education is the most important key to change the world and I hope through this school the children will find the way to change their future.

Inauguration - (part. 2)

Today for the people of Ghana Fort Amsterdam Onlus, for me, for Mr. Franco and for Daniel is a very great day, because one of our dreams has became reality.