venerdì 12 agosto 2016

Our Country Director writes . . .

Our Country Director writes in to signal two villages where action is needed to improve conditions and educational opportunities for young students.

...meeting with Community leaders in the Central Region of Ghana called Ankafo a suburb of Saltpond, predominantly fishing community of about 6,000 population without a school, clinic facility, and the only toilet facility is a 11 Seater we begin the new academic year in Ghana, SECTIONS in collaboration with FORT AMSTERDAM ONLUS have plan to start with a KG SCHOOL BLOCK for this community… another development, the people of Hinii, suburb of Saltpond in the Central Region, a fishing community, densely populated with 9 classroom to house 13 class pupils in a school, 3 of the existing classrooms housed pupil's in Nursery, KG 1&2, Class 1. Apart from the building being very low, it's very dark for reading, not airing for over populated little kids...if we cannot do anything at all, at least we can provide an environment for this little Angel ...meeting with the chief and elders to see the way forward...