venerdì 21 dicembre 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Si dice che il Natale sia la festività più bella perché porta amore e felicità in tutte le case del mondo.
Amore e felicità non costano molto, specialmente se è il Natale a portarle, ma Noi, dico Noi che abbiamo più fortuna, cosa possiamo fare per i più poveri?
Dare denaro? Sicuramente è necessario, ma non sufficiente.
Bene! Allora per il 2013 al denaro ci pensiamo Noi della "Ghana Fort Amsterdam" Onlus con i contributi dei nostri amici e costruiremo:
-Una nuova Scuola Materna nei villaggi di Ademanù-Onyapa;
-Una casa in Otsir per i tre figli di Gladis: Mary, Faustina e Richmond.
Ma per rendere la condizione anche sufficiente chiediamo a tutti Voi che ci seguite sul "blog" dall'Italia, Stati Uniti, Ghana, Russia, Germania, Romania, Regno Unito, Francia, India e altre Nazioni un contributo di pensiero attraverso un messaggio, in modo che si possa dire:

Buon Natale a tutto il genere umano!

Vi ricordate del Signor Kent?
Bene! Questo è il meraviglioso mondo del Sig. Kent. Come in una favola, ha allestito il suo mercatino di Natale adeguato al nostro tempo di crisi, e
Franco compra qualcosa da lui.

Buon Natale!

domenica 16 dicembre 2012

Ademanù (2)

Each month we will offer you the photographic documentation about the progress of work on the construction of the new kindergarten in the villages of Ademanù - Onyapa

giovedì 29 novembre 2012

sabato 20 ottobre 2012

To cut the ribbon

The Chief of the District of Saltpond cut the ribbon inaugurating the new Kindergarten in the villages Fomena -Begyin

Three children express their good intentions for the future.

lunedì 15 ottobre 2012

Look at this!

On 25 September we visited the school in the village of Otsir. We stepped inside without being seen
by children and we made a short film where you can hear their voices and those of the teachers.
Look at this!

Then we went to the villages of Fomena-Begyin to see if verything was in order for the opening of the next day.
We met the two teachers assigned by the Ghana Education Service. They are very good. 
One of them, Anase, took us to cape Coast to buy all the necessary educational materials.

The people of the village is really happy and welcomed us with great sympaty.

During the coming weeks we will show you all our work during our stay in Ghana.
Especially, we will reveal the name of the village where we realize the third school structure.

domenica 9 settembre 2012

All in School!

At the end of September we will open the new Kindergarten 
to Fomena
together with the Director of the Ghana Education Service
and we will visit the village where we want to build the next Kindergarten.
We are really curious to go back to see the children.
Kindergarten - Fomena
Daniel Ohene Ventura
Next Kindergarten?

and now 
a moment of relax in Otsir 
with Cecilia and Rebecca, looking at the pictures.

venerdì 3 agosto 2012

Everyday life ...

Every-day life in the village of Otsir
Custom and tradition
The preparation of the meal

Today we eat!

lunedì 16 luglio 2012

Enjoy your trip!

Will our friend Alessandra find the village of Otsir and then travel to Cape Three Points in Ghana?

Escape is a village located just outside of Cape Three Points (

mercoledì 13 giugno 2012


The new nursery for children of Fomena is ready.
Opening in September.

Agli amici italiani ricordo che possono partecipare alla nostra iniziativa con il contributo del cinquexmille
basta la tua firma e l'indicazione del nostro Codice Fiscale: 91031960544

giovedì 31 maggio 2012


Amici italiani, ricordatevi del 5x1000
basta la tua firma
il nostro Codice Fiscale

martedì 22 maggio 2012

Work in progress

Dear friends,
work for the new nursery regularly continue and the building will be ready for the start of the new school year. The interior and exterior has been completed. Now we have to choose colors to paint the school and provide for the accommodation of the outdoor areas.

lunedì 30 aprile 2012

Who it guess?

A snail, a turtle and a gun, draw on the eardrum of a house, remember an old proverb,

who it guess?

venerdì 6 aprile 2012

Children's Choir

Children's Choir

again . . .
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see our smile
Don't forget to scream

to you  my  5 x 1000

martedì 27 marzo 2012

Work in progress

Dear friends,
work for the new nursery regularly continue and the building will be ready for the start of the new school year. The workers belong to the village of Fomena and have a lot of goodwill. As you can see in the operating team was satisfied the share rose.

mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

Fomena Kindgarten

A few days ago, work began to build a new kindergarten in the village of Fomena, always in the Central Region and about 20 km from Otsir. This village has been reported to our NPO "Ghana Fort Amsterdam" from the Directorate of the Ghana Education Service Saltpond because, despite being a village of 800 inhabitants, is totally devoid of any educational facility and small children have no chance to start a educational process. The new nursery will consist of two classes and can accommodate up to 64 children. The population of the village is working with enthusiasm to the building.

Mr. Franco Kwaku and Mrs. Chiara  Amma will make a report at the end of March.

venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

Twi_lesson 4

Please, what is your name?
Mepaakyεw, wo din de sεn?
My name is Davide Kofi, I was born today (24/02/2012).
Woaba a tena ase!

As a sign of friendship and to immediately make you feel part of the community generally before they ask you "What is your name?", "Where are you from?" and then they ask you "When you're born?". This last question does not refer to the date of birth, but on what day of the week you were born.
But, according to the following table, when they ask you, "what is your name? You can answer with your name followed by the name that corresponds to the day of the week on which you were born according to whether you're male or female. It will be for them a happy surprise.
I’m called Franco Kwaku             Mede Franco Kwaku
I’m called Chiara Amma               Mede Chiara Amma

      Days of the week                                                      Male                                  Female                 
Monday                       Dwoada                                   Kwadwo                        Adwoa           
Tuesday            Benada                                     Kwabena                        Abenaa            
Wednesday        Wukuada                                  Kwaku                                  Akua               
Thursday           Yawoada                                  Yaw                               Yaa                 
Friday               Fiada                                       Kofi                                Afua               
Saturday           Memeneda                                Kwame                           Amma                
Sunday             Kwasiada                                  Kwasi                             Akosua            

mercoledì 15 febbraio 2012


The non-profit organization Ghana Fort Amsterdam is happy to start a new project.
On advice of Ghana Education Service (Saltpond) we decided to build a kindergarten in the village of
We discussed in a meeting with the Chiefs and the villagers. So now the kids will be happy to have an appropriate building where they can learn while playing with greater liberty.

The kindergarten in the Church today

Children of Fomena

The monument of the village

martedì 31 gennaio 2012


We lost a little friend ... a son,
because the children belong to all mankind . . .  .
Emmanuel will always be with us
trusting his feeble voice to ocean waves.

domenica 1 gennaio 2012


Gianni and Franco wish a Happy New Year
to all friends.

In particular Otsir guests:
- the first Adele;

- the last: Paola, Assunta, Gianni e Vittoria.